DPD Classic

Giving you access to the largest parcel delivery network in Europe

DPD Classic gives you access to one of the best connected and most reliable delivery services in Europe.

Our high quality service also includes Predict notifications across Europe so that your customers get the best delivery service, wherever they are based.


The best home delivery experience for your customers across Europe

In flight options

DPD Classic

Make your customers’ life easier anywhere across Europe.

We’ll tell them the exact hour we’re coming, in their local language, giving your customers the ultimate choice and convenience. Keeping your customers informed is key to first-time delivery success no matter where they are in the world.

In flight

Put your customers in control with our in-flight delivery options.

Preferred delivery choices vary by country, and at DPD we’ve got you covered. Your customers can use the flexible in-flight options to change the delivery day, reroute the parcel to a local Pickup shop or arrange for it to be left in a safe place.

Live Tracking

The coverage of our famous Follow My Parcel solution has also extended into Europe, with 20 countries now offering a local equivalent of Follow My Parcel.

Live Tracking offers consumers a 15-30 minute countdown to their deliveries and allows them to follow the driver on a live map - yet another enhancement to the visibility of their order tracking.

Open your business to Europe with DPD Classic

With our DPD Classic service, we’ve enhanced the door-to-door customer experience to connect you seamlessly to Europe.

Our competitive lead-times, leading technology and great pricing mean that you don’t need to let borders limit your business.

lead-time calculation


All of this comes with deliveries that have been

Carbon-neutral since 2012

Ready to deliver with DPD?

Get in touch with our international experts.